Bend It Like Beckham (2002) on uwatchfree

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Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Keira Knightley, Parminder Nagra

Director: Gurinder Chadha

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance


Release/Country: 2002/United Kingdom, Germany, United States

IMDb 6.6/ 10 (108632 votes)

Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Description: Jess Bhamra, the daughter of a strict Indian couple in London, is not permitted to play organized soccer, even though she is 18. When Jess is playing for fun one day, her impressive skills are seen by Jules Paxton, who then convinces Jess to play for her semi-pro team. Jess uses elaborate excuses to hide her matches from her family while also dealing with her romantic feelings for her coach, Joe.

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